Friday, November 05, 2004

George the

I'll admit I was surprised this morning by a number of things. First, Ohio still didn't have its votes in. My first reaction was "'s Florida all over again." Then after some reading I discovered that Bush led in Ohio by 130,000 and that it was 'statistically impossible' for Kerry to make up the difference with the provisional ballots. THEN, on the way to work I hear John Edwards blathering about not giving up until all votes have been counted. Then I thought "Oh Christ, it really WILL be another Flordia." The second surprise was Kerry conceding defeat in the early afternoon. At least he accepted defeat when it was staring him in the face. So, now there are two questions:
First, when we will first start hearing "Hillary in '08" advertisements? My guess is sometime next summer.
Second, when will Barack Obama run against Arnold Schwartzenegger for President? I'm putting my money on 2012.

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