Thursday, February 23, 2006

Stop Snitching (backdated)

First off, this post is backdated because I think the one above it is better and I didn't want people to not see that one. So, this story that I'm linking to actually was posted on 2/24/2006. Anyway.

The greatest quote I've read in a long, long time:
"In its a priori dismissal of the "Stop Snitching" campaign, the general public has failed to acknowledge the moral complexity and legitimacy of an anti-snitching position." (emphasis in original)

Whenever I hear about the "stop snitching" stuff, I'm always reminded of grade school bullies. Do I have an "anti-snitching position"? No, not really. I can guarantee that if some jackass guns down a friend of mine while I'm standing 2 feet away I will snitch. So, if you're one of those people that will get upset if I snitch - don't gun down my friends while I'm standing there watching. Bastards.

I can tell you, though, that I do, in fact, recognize the "moral complexity and legitimacy" of the "anti-snitching position." I fully support other people's right not snitch. But, recognize that, at least in my mind, there is a significant difference between not snitching on someone for stealing your lunch and not snitching on someone for SHOOTING you (or someone else).

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